Wildcrafted Black Sage and Dead Sea Salt Bath salts

$14.00 Sales Tax



Therapeutic Bath Salts 8oz bag

Wildcrafted black sage collected and dried, from the gently sloping hillsides of Aguanga in Southern California. Black sage, Salvia mellifera, is a traditional medicine of the Chumash Indians. Teas are made from the stems and leaves of the plant to treat pain externally . Black sage is also traditionally used to cure chronic pain.

Dead Sea salt’s rich minerals work to exfoliate dead skin, help calm inflammation, and fight off allergens and microbes.

Mixed together they make an luxurious combination of pain relief and spa treatment. Add to a warm bath and soak for 20 minutes or as you please.

Additional information

Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.5 in